November 13, 2018
Minutes from Quarterly Meeting
The annual meeting was held on November 13th and was attended by approximately 60 people. The Board really appreciates all that comes to the annual meeting. President, Jim States and the rest of the Board try to come up with an agenda that will be informative and enlightening. There have been discussions on how to video tape the next meeting allowing lake owners that don’t live in the immediate area the ability to at least watch the annual meeting in real time. Please be looking for that capability for the next annual meeting in November, 2019 and let me know if you are interested in this capability.
This year, the presentations from the annual meeting are being highlighted in this newsletter. The first to present was Keegan Nitsch as he informed the audience of his project. He provided a power point presentation with pictures and details of the Jack Pond improvements. The next agenda item was the presentation by Brent Burkland, an engineer for TC Engineering and chief engineer for the Lake Maloney Trails Project. He gave an overview and his presentation is also included in this newsletter. Next, was a presentation by Kevin Kennedy, prepared by Sherriff Jerome Kramer about safety issues. Kevin did an outstanding job being Jerome and even injected some of his own good ideas.
The next business item for the meeting is nominating new Board members. Three current Board members terms have expired including Orlin Faulhaber, Wes Grady, and Rob Evans. Orlin agreed to be run again for board member, but Wes Grady and Rob Evans did not. Therefore, two recommendations were made for new board members that included Ken Folchert from 420 Seagull Lane and George Witte from 739 S Maloney Drive. A vote was taken and all approved. Please review the current board members and their district on the last page of this newsletter. Jim States thanked Wes and Rob for all their contributions in the past. Both men have been excellent board members and will be missed.
Lastly, Brian Hope provided an NPPD Report. The annual meeting was held on Veteran’s Day so the first thing that Brian did was recognize all the veteran’s in the audience by the rest of us standing and giving a big applause to those veterans. We truly owe them so much so again, THANK YOU, VETERANS. Brian reviewed the outage projects and what they worked on during the Fall of 2018. He showed photos of the Paxton project and the repairs that were made. He also reported on the work they have been doing at South Beach complete with photos of the improvements by adding benches and picnic tables. Sandburs continue to be a big problem at South Beach and they are trying to take the necessary measures to control the sandburs but have lots of issues to contend with due to sand, wind, and water. There was a question by the audience regarding the native prickly seaweed called prickly naiad. This has definitely been an issue for the last few years. The problem with this weed is that it is native and it reseeds itself. Much more information about prickly naiad is on the website, www.lakemaloneyinformer.com, and the audience that attended in the Annual Meeting in 2017 was given a lot of information about it from a professor from Chadron State College.
July 30, 2018
Minutes from Quarterly Meeting
Phase II was also discussed. Phase II went from the new and improved Jack’s Pond (across from 619 S Maloney Drive) to North Lake Drive. The biggest concerns in the Phase II area is the culvert at Jack’s Pond. The Board would like to put a cover on the culvert so that when water is lowered at the Lake, that the water can be preserved in Jack’s Pond to help with the fishing. Last fall, they came up with something that they thought might work, however, it was too late to install before the water came back. However, the Board has looked into other options and you can actually buy a cover for the culvert. The Board thought this would be a better option because it won’t get rusted out and it looks like it will work great. This item will be purchased in the near future. Also, at Jack’s Pond will be a new Eagle Boy Scout project by Keegan Nitsch. For those that attended the 2017 LMPOA annual meeting, we got to hear from Keegan and his father, Bob regarding Keegan’s Eagle Scout Project which will be making the Jack’s Pond entrance more beautiful. The other issue along the entire trail are the stop signs as some of them have been stolen or just need realigned.
We didn’t want to leave out Phase I so issued on Phase I were discussed as well. Phase I is from Jaycee Park to Jack’s Pond. The LMPOA owns this section of trail as funds for this portion was provided by the homeowners and grants not from Nebraska Game and Parks. The biggest issue on Phase I is the excessive use of golf cart joyriding. Many board members have seen too many children riding the carts
without even having golf clubs on them. This is very much a safety concern and needs to be addressed before anything serious happens. The main purpose of the trail was for safety reasons which was to get people off the busy S. Maloney Drive so safety still needs to be on the radar for all homeowners. The other issue of Phase I are the dead trees in the 400 block of S. Maloney Dr. There are many dead trees where it is only a matter of time before they drop and they too will become a safety issue. Ned Mack is going to contact Dawson Public Power since it is very close to a power line. If Dawson Public Power won’t remove them, then the Board will discuss the next possible solution.
Last by not least was discussion about the upcoming Phase IV. The update for Phase IV is that the engineering study has been completed by Brent Burkland of TC Engineering. The next step and the longest step is waiting for FERC (Federal Emergency Regulatory Commission) approval. Anything that has to do with Lake side has to have approval from FERC and they can take up to 90 days. We hope to hear from them in the near future. Phase II and Phase III didn’t need FERC approval since the trail was not on lake side. After approval from FERC then need approval from EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and last not but least, our landlord, NPPD. After all the approvals, then the county (who will co-own the trail) will advertise for construction bids. I am sure it is safe to assume that the trail won’t be completed this fall, but we are very hopeful very construction to begin early Spring , 2019. The last item discussed regarding the trail was the possible change of the intersection of Quail Run and S Maloney Dr since it is currently an awkward and dangerous intersection.
The next item on the agenda was the NPPD Report. Brian Hope reported that the driveway into the NPPD offices will be closed until September making it next to impossible to stop by the NPPD offices. If you need to discuss anything with Brian, he would be willing to meet with you . There will be a slight draw down of the Lake in October for NPPD to work on a boat ramp at South Beach. It will be very slight and short so there won’t be time for homeowners to do repairs this year. At the 2017 Annual Meeting there was much discussion of the what seems like annual draw down of the Lake so people can work on shorelines. There only has to be a draw down for a FERC inspection every five years so homeowners were requesting to go back to every five years so that will eliminate the sand blowing into yards. So the next major draw down will be in 2021. Brian also reminded the homeowners about the annual NPPD reimbursement that is based on a percentage of lot leases. In 2019, the reimbursement check will be $9,000. That means that the homeowners association will have to spend $9,000 in order to get the reimbursement check. The Board is considering improvements that could be used with this money. This amount will increase every year so bigger and better projects can be upcoming. Dredging public areas was one area discussed as well as installing security cameras at South Beach and/or Jaycee Park.
The last item discussed at the Board meeting was just some miscellaneous items such as the vandalism around the Lake. It seems like the vandalism never goes away. The Lake area is a hot target area because of the proximity of homes and the easiness to escape. The other items discussed is the amount of residents personal trash being dumped at the public trash containers as well as tree branches and lawn debris. This is not allowed and it is being watched. It was encouraged if anyone sees someone dumping trash or doing any illegal activities to call the Sheriff’s office.