November 15, 2016
Minutes from Quarterly Meeting
The annual meeting was held on November 15, 2016, with approximately 60 people in attendance. The meeting began with President, Jim States calling the meeting to order. Secretary, Jane Hassel read the minutes of the 2015 annual meeting and a roll call of board members present. Next, the Treasurer’s report was provided with total assets of the LMPOA asset accounts total $36,671. It was explained how income is derived with the two main sources being membership dues which brings in approximately $7,400 in revenue and NPPD annual reimbursement which is about $6,000.00.
Vice-President, Rob Evans provided information regarding Board positions. Rob reported that in District 1, Member-at-large, Jane Hassel’s term will expire and she agreed to run for another 3-year term. The floor was open for further nominations and there were none. A vote was taken by the members and the motion passed. In District 2, there were no terms that were expiring. In District 3, Member-at-large, Sam Perry’s term will expire and he also agreed to run for another 3-year term. The floor was open for further nominations, there were none. A vote was taken by the members and the motion passed. In District 4, Kevin Kennedy fulfilled a 1-year position which was vacated by Ford Craig who moved to Seward, NE. The position is now open for a three-year term. Kevin agreed to serve again. The floor was open for nominations and there were none. A vote was taken by the members and the motion passed.
The President’s report was the next item on the agenda. Jim States, began his report by providing up-to-date information regarding the Lake Maloney Trail. Jim was very happy to report that he finally received approval from NEPA (Natonal Environmental Protection Act). Jim informed the members that the county will own the second phase of the trail. The LMPOA owns Phase I. Jim said that plans are already being made for Phase III. Phase III will go from where Phase II ends to the Inlet, which will be approximately 1/2 mile. Our consultant, Julie Ogden from JE Consultants is very optimistic about our chances to obtain another grant. Judy Pederson is also working on possible grants for this phase as well such as assistance from Lincoln County Visitor’s Bureau and the Twin Rivers NRD.
The next item on the agenda was information from Tiffany Wood from the Jaycees regarding the Frisbee Golf Course. A motion was made for the LMPOA to sponsor a hole for $500.00. Ned Mack made a motion to sponsor a hole and Toni Guthrie seconded the motion. All voted yes and the motion was passed.
Brian Hope from NPPD provided an update to the members at attendance regarding the Lake Maloney water flow. He explained about the diversion, storage, and flow of water. He provided numbers showing a 30-year average as compared to last year and the current year. Overall, the water flow looks very good for 2017.
Brian Hope also provided an NPPD update. It was brought up by an audience member regarding dredging the bays to give more room for boats and swimming. Brian said that it is not something that NPPD will consider unless it is for NPPD’s operational needs.
He did report that there were several improvements made to Lake Maloney in 2016 such as more improvements to South Beach and the installation of three boat ramps. The next FERC inspection (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) will be in four-five years. There might be a slight draw down next year for repair up the canal towards Hershey, but more information will follow as information is finalized. There was also some discussion
regarding vehicles on the lake bed when the water is down. Technically, this is not illegal and can’t be enforced if signage has not been provided by NPPD. So very little can be done about vehicles, four-wheelers etc on the lake bed. The reason that the homeowner’s don’t like the vehicles on the water bed is because of sand that it blows and causes problems to homeowners.
April 20, 2016
Minutes from Quarterly Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President, Jim States. The minutes from the January 19, 2016 were read and the financial report was provided. The financial report indicated that the culvert cost was approximately $5,200. That price was much lower than predicted. One time last fall, there was an actual bid for $150,000. Thanks to volunteer labor and left over supplies, the cost was at the utmost minimal. Jim personally recognized the volunteers as being Sam Perry, Ned Mack, Steve Dent, and Dean and Linda Oman for the work they did with the project.
Much of the board meeting was about Phase 2. Jim reported on many different facets that are required in order to get the $250,000 grant . First of all, TC Engineering hired a Lincoln firm to complete the NE Environmental Protection Agency Study which will take approximately 30-60 days to complete. The second step is for TC Engineering to complete the preliminary drawings. Once the drawings are complete, then the bids to contractors can be made. Unfortunately, the contractors are in the very peak season, so will hard to get the necessary bids.
Discussion was also made regarding the three dead trees that were planted in 2015 and the decision to replace them. It was further discussed regarding the tree stumps along the golf course on hole #5. Many options are being explored on how to remove the stumps and be ready for the incoming trail.
The Board is further implementing their plan for the “sponsor shelter” to be constructed along the Woodman of the World Pond which also happens to be at the beginning of one side of the trail. A bid was obtained from Rick McClellen of Mac Construction to pour the concrete for the shelter at a reduced cost for his “donation” to the trail. This bid was approved by all the Board members. Also at the Woodman of the World location is the new youth fishing dock. Jim has investigated looking into stocking the pond with fish, but it is a major deal. According the Nebraska Games and Park, they would first have to kill the present fish before restocking which will require screening the culvert to do this. This matter will be investigated further.
At the board meeting, it was also discussed a troublesome area of the trail which is located across from Rob & Janet Evans property of 407 S Maloney Drive. It is a very low spot and dirt runs down the trail either when it rains or when neighbors use their sprinklers causing a wash out. Bids are now being made as to paving the area to avoid further washouts.
NPPD agreed to remove the rest of the unused concrete from the culvert area which will be removed in the near future.
In order to receive the Nebraska Games and Park grant, Lincoln County had to become involved in many different areas. The one area that they did not get involved in is financial. There have been no dollars received from Lincoln County to go towards the trail. As a matter of fact, the County require the LMPOA open a maintenance escrow bank account and fund $2,000 each year for the purpose of maintaining the account for such things as mowing and/or snow removal so that the county will never be responsible for those items. It was approved at this meeting to fund the $2,000 for the 2016 contribution. There were supplies of $392.60 that was provided for by the County for the culvert, but the cost was billed to the LMPOA and has been paid. Please note that no dollars have been provided to the LMPOA for the purpose of the Lake Maloney Trail. The trail has been funded 100% by donations and grants. The county served as a by-pass in order to be approved for the $250,000 grant. There is not enough gratitude that can be stated as to the current county commissioners for their help in being successful in our first application for the Nebraska Games and Park grant money.
There was some discussion as to whether to apply for the grant again next year (2017) so that the trail can connect from Kansas Point Campground to South Beach. It is the hope of the LMPOA board that support both financially and hard work labor that you will support the same cause. The Board needs all of us to work together. If you would like to know how you can be involved, ask a board member listed on the back of the newsletter.
Lastly, the NPPD report was provided by Brian Hope. Brian reported that Aaron Conley will be replacing Gavin Parker has the new president for Mill Isle Boat Club. Brian also informed the Board that three boat ramps will be replaced in Fall, 2016. Those three boat ramps include the areas located in the following areas: in the area located next to 205 S Maloney Drive, 239 S Maloney Drive, and 267 N Maloney Dr. Brian also reminded the Board that the lake will have his FERQ inspection this fall, therefore, the lake will be lowered in the month of October. If you are making plans for seawall improvement, this must be approved by NPPD. You may visit the lakemaloneyinformer.website to obtain the construction application necessary or contact Brian Hope at NPPD.
January 19, 2016
Minutes from Quarterly Meeting
The meeting was called to order and the first order of business was a check presentation from NebraskaLand National Bank of $5,000. It was also at this time that Jim announced to the Board of the approval of the $250,000 grant request from Nebraska Games & Park. The meeting was also attended by Kent Miller from Twin Platte who is also a member of the Game and Parks Advisory Committee and Joe Hewgley, County Commissioner, who has also been facilitating the grant request. In addition, Judy Pederson attended the meeting as well as she has been very helpful in a couple of different ways for the trail construction in that it is her business, Pro Printing, that will be providing the signage for the shelter that will be placed across from 621 S Maloney Drive and she has been identifying and writing other grant requests.
The meeting began with the election of officers for the LMPOA for 2016. President: Jim States; Vice-President, Rob Evans; Treasurer, Celine Sawyer; and Secretary, Jane Hassel. The Board approved the slate of officers as presented. Much discussion was made regarding Phase 2 of the Trail. Brian reported that the Army Corp of Engineers did approve the 404 Permit for the channel crossing of the bridge located across from 621 S Maloney Dr. There are still some requirements that must be met, such as identifying a project manager and checking for whopping cranes if construction starts after March 10th. Timing is a concern as there is currently ice on the pond and will have to wait until the ice melts to lower the lake. The lake has to be lowered for a period of time to allow for the construction and it really needs to be completed by April 15th so that lowering the lake does not interfere with recreation. Time will tell how that will all work, but work will begin as soon as possible.
Brian Hope reported some NPPD items at the meeting. He informed the Board that the FERC inspection has been moved from the fall of 2017 to the fall of 2016. Therefore, the lake will be lowered substantially to allow for this inspection. Now is the time to plan projects such as installing or repairing sea walls or dredging projects. Please contact Brian Hope at the North Platte NPPD office if you have any construction projects in mind. He must approve all of them. Brian reported about recent break-ins and burglaries to Lake residences. Please be careful and be watchful for other properties. Finally, Brian gave the group good news when he reported that this fall when the water is down, NPPD will replace three boat ramps around the lake.
In the area by the channel crossing will be a few changes. First of all there will be an expansion to allow for the trail to cross over the bridge without having to go on the road because that particular place has been identified as a very dangerous place. There will also be a placement of a sponsor shelter that will have an overhang, a bench, and signage recognizing the sponsors of Phase 1 of the trail construction. In addition, a youth fishing dock was purchased which will be installed so that youth can have a safe place to fish. Jim States, Sam Perry, andOrlin Faulhaber have all agreed to trim some trees to make the area look better. All this will take place in early spring.
November 17. 2015
Minutes from Quarterly Meeting
Jim States, the President of the LMPOA called the meeting to order and began the Annual Meeting with the minutes from the last annual meeting being read along with the year Financial Report from both the secretary, Ford Craig, and the Treasurer, Celine Sawyer.
Rob Evans, Vice-President of the LMPOA, provided a discussion regarding the board positions. In District 1, Orlin Faulhaber completed a one –year term replace John Patterson’s regular three-year term which ended at the end of 2015. Orlin agreed to serve for the upcoming three-year position. The floor was open for other nominations, which there were none. A vote was taken and the motion passed without dissent.
In District 2, Rob reported that Wes Grady and Celine Sawyer served in Member At Large positions for the last three years and both positions expire at the end of 2015. Wes and Celine both agreed to serve again for the next three-year term. Again the floor was open for additional nominations and none were made. A vote was taken and the vote was unanimous in favor.
In District 3, there were no terms expiring for the 2015 year so all will remain the same. In District 4, there were no terms expiring in 2015, however, Ford Craig had reported to the board that he will be moving to Seward, NE in December, 2015, and will be unable to fill his final year of his board position. Kevin Kennedy agreed to be nominated for this position. The floor was opened for nominations. No other nominations were made. A vote was taken, and the motion passed without dissent.
A guest speaker, Scott Eveland, from the Nebraska Game & Parks Department gave a presentation regarding several different Lake topics. Eveland, is a boating specialist for the Game and Parks and lives in Ogallala, NE. There has been a shortage of staff for the lake activities, but that will change in 2016 because there have been four employees hired to better patrol the lakes. Some of the highlights that Mr. Eveland discussed were the following:
Zebra and Quagga Mussels—These two kinds of mussels are a big concern for the Game and Parks Department. So far there have only been a trace of presence in Nebraska and only in Eastern Nebraska, but they are present in states surrounding Nebraska. Mussels are easily transported from state to state or a body of water to another body of water by a boat that has been in the infected water and wasn’t properly washed before taking it to another place. The reason that mussels are such a concern is because of their ability to multiply and they cause billions of dollars in damages because they attach to boats, water intake pipes and other structures. One single mussel will produce a total of a half of a billion adult offspring. Mussels came over from Eastern Europe in the 1980’s and were brought over first to the Great Lakes. Currently, 29 states have reported these types of mussels. It is a priority in these states to make sure there is regulation and ways to ensure that boats are washed before leaving one body of water before going to another body of water. Please be aware of this when you are moving your watercraft from one place to another.
Scott reiterated that anyone born after 1985 must take a boating safety class which costs about $25.00 and now be completed on-line. Once the training has been completed, the license must be carried with them while operating any motorized water craft. The fine for not taking the class is over $100 plus court costs.
-A question was asked by an attendee regarding paddle boards and if you need a life jacket or not. The answer to this question is yes, a life jacket must be present on a paddle board.
-Anyone under the age of 13 must wear a life jacket at all times.
-No wake within 90’ of the shoreline. Repeat… No wake within 90’ of the shoreline.
-The minimum age to operate a watercraft is 14 years old as long as they have a boating course certificate.
-Must have an operable fire extinguisher on a watercraft.
-To take the boating class, please visit outdoornebraska.ne.gov and decide between the on-line course or the classroom in which there are specific dates that will become available early spring.
Jim States provided an in-depth report regarding the Lake Maloney Trail Phase 2. Jim reported that there is currently a waiting period for approval from the Army Corps of engineers on a culvert extension that is needed for the Phase 2 Trail construction at the golf pond located across from 621 S Maloney Dr . This part of the project is not part of any grant request. Materials and labor will be donated. The Lake level will have to be lowered to facilitate this project.
Jim reported that Dr. Haugen donated a dock to the LMPOA that will be used as a fishing dock on the golf pond as well. NPPD has granted permission for this project which the idea is for this pond to be used as a youth fishing pond. The NRD may also provide some funding on this project. A motion was made by Sam Perry and seconded by Rob Evans to move ahead of this project along with a unanimous vote by members who attended the annual meeting.
Also in this location will be a trail head signage shelter which would provide recognition to all who contributed towards the Phase 1 of the trail. An estimate was provided by Carhart Lumber for $3,271.00 for this project. This was approved at the meeting as well.
Lastly, Jim informed the members of the grant and trail status. The grant to Nebraska Game and Parks has officially been submitted. Jim States and Joe Hewgley gave a presentation of the request at a Game & Parks Committee meeting at Mahoney State Park on November 6, 2015. The request is for a $250,000 grant. The decision will be made in February. There were six other entities also applying for grant funds. There is a possibility that they may award all of the request, none of the request, or a portion of the request.
Other items discussed at the annual meeting included a discussion regarding the Sirens located at the Lake. The batteries which are used for a back-up need to be replaced every three years and this is the year they needed replaced. The cost to replace the batteries including labor was $1,575.16.
Lastly, the NPPD report was given by Brian Hope. Brian informed the group about Lake matters. He presented information regarding the water buoys are in need of replacement. Brian said that they are looking into standardization of all buoys at the Lake. More information to follow regarding this topic.
Next LMPOA annual meeting will be November 15, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the NPPD offices located at 402 E State Farm Rd.
October 20, 2015
Minutes from Quarterly Meeting
The last quarterly meeting had special guests from the Jaycee’s which included Tiffany Wood, Janelle Higgins, and Jennifer Driskell. Tiffany Woods gave a short presentation on the Jaycee’s which is a civic organization made up of younger adults from the ages of 21-40. She indicated the group was interested in doing positive changes in our community. The Jaycee’s were aware of the long standing Jaycee park at the lake and wondered if there were some changes or upgrades they could make for that area which just happens to have their name. They were thinking different ideas such as Frisbee golf, Cornhole game, among others. The biggest challenge to this area is that the Nebraska Game & Parks require a park permit for this area. A discussion also took place regarding the next steps in pursuing this would be to contact the Game and Parks department to see if this is something they would allow. The biggest question will probably be on who will maintain this area. The group also showed a willingness to partner with the LMPOA as far as trash walks are concerned among some other ideas to help improve the area around the Lake.
It was reported at the meeting regarding some fund raising events over the summer to help fund the trail. Drive 4UR Community donated $2860 for the eligible people who drove a Ford on July 18th. $20 was given to every eligible test driver. Thank you again to the folks that came out that day to test drive a vehicle.
Jim States provided a very detailed report regarding Phase 2 of the trail. Jim informed the Board that he and Joe Hewgley will attend the Game & Parks meeting on November 6, 2015 to present our request for a $250,000 grant. The Game and Parks board consists of 20 members. A total of six entities gave their presentations. Their decision will be made in January, 2016. At that time, we will know if we can proceed with the construction of Phase 2. Jim said that if we are approved for the grant, an estimated timeline would be as follows: April and May will be the months for grant recipient’s training sessions. May would be the month for engineering firms to work on construction bids. June would be when an environmental impact study would take place. October would be the estimated time when to open the bids and begin construction. One last item regarding the trail was for extending the trail at the time that we would be working on the grant and paying for it with the LMPOA funds that have been collected. The grant, if approved, will pay for 1.2 miles of the new trail which will go from the existing trail across from 619 S Maloney Drive to 219 N Maloney Dr, however, this might be a good time to continue another .10 mile to have a better stopping place.
The next item on the agenda was a discussion regarding the culvert by the golf course which is under the bridge on S Maloney Drive. It has been known to be called the Woodman of the World Pond. The proposed repair is a 24-foot section of a new culvert needs to be installed onto the existing culvert by a banding process.
The price for the new section will be approximately $630.00 and the section weighs about 550 pounds. There will be a need for backfill work as well which will most likely be volunteer labor. (Thank you, Thank you, Thank you).This project cannot proceed until the LMPOA receives a 404 permit from the Army Corp of Engineers. This permit was filed on October 1, 2015. It can take up to 60 days to be approved.. right in time for winter. The concrete and the dirt that is piled by the site has been donated by various projects around the Lake this fall. The county has a culvert on hand when ready. Ned Mack discussed the need for new batteries for the Tornado Sirens. They need to be replaced every three years. The board gave Ned permission to pursue and hire Twin Valley Communications handle the battery replacement. Brian Hope provided the NPPD Report at the end of the meeting. Brian reported that the pattern of lake levels through the winter months would be about the same as last year. The levels will fluctuate because of the need of the hydro generator. Brian reported back regarding a question that Ned Mack presented in the previous LMPOA meeting about the burnt trees still standing by the Dawson Public Power substation at the corner Hwy 83 and the end of South Maloney Drive. Brian said that the removal of these trees in the future will have to be built into the NPPD budget, but there was a possibility for something to be done.