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2020 Trail Report
Jim gave the group a report on the trail. He noted that a ribbon cutting will be held in the spring for the completion of the trail. Jim said the distance of the trail is approximately 3.5 miles and cost $1,012,784 dollars. A total of $524,584 was provided by LMPOA, Twin Platte NRD, NPPD, and donations from many businesses and people. The rest of the trail was provided by the Nebraska Games and Parks Trails Commission Grants. The Nebraska Games and Parks have donated lots of money for trails, but have never given in the Western part of the State. This grant was a huge reason that the trail was built. Jim mentioned that the new sign at the Inlet Landscaping site was a wonderful addition to the trail and there are two more proposed signage at both ends of the trail will be installed providing mileage to significant mile location markers. George Witte explained a possible mile marker idea which would make a great Eagle
Scout project regarding the mileage and your smart phone. Jim also thanked Mike Kelly for his donation for materials for the split rail fence along hole #7 and in front of Kelly’s home. There are other places along the trail where fencing made be needed. Jim also stated that memorial benches are available that cost approximately $2200.
To make your 2019 trail fund donation, please send to Mid-Nebraska Community Foundation, PO Box 1321, North Platte NE 69103. Please mark “Lake Maloney Trail Fund” on your check.
Memorial Benches
The trail has made many think that it would be a great place to put up a memorial bench. There have been three that have been placed already. To purchase a memorial bench, the Board set up the guidelines in 2017 for the purpose of keeping the benches uniform. The following are the requirements:
1. Donate $1000 to the Lake Maloney Trail
2. Purchase the standard bench and plaque designed by the Board in 2017.
3. Purchase the concrete slab the bench will fasten to by the Board’s contractor.
Lake Maloney Trail Update
As mentioned in the Board minutes, Paulsen Construction couldn’t have been better to work with. They provided not only their expertise on the project, but their cooperativeness, their willingness to please, and most of all they delivered us an awesome trail that we are now using and enjoying despite some of the cold, spring days we had this year. It is the Board’s intentions that the lake owners take ownership of the trail. Taking ownership of the trail means helping maintain it. It will be cost prohibitive for the Board to hire someone to maintain the trail, so the responsibility becomes ours. Here are some ways that you can help maintain the trail:
Sweep off dirt and debris off the trail
Don’t dump your own trash and debris along the trail (we live very close to the transfer station that takes yard debris like grass and branches for free. The hours for the transfer station is Monday-Saturday 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
If you have a dog and you take him on a walk, please don’t let your dog poop on the trail or if they do, please be so kind to remove it and don’t make that be someone else’s job.
Snow scooping
Also, make sure you remember that you are walking near a golf course, be aware of golf balls. “Walker Beware”
And the Board and Committee want to thank …. Y O U!
We Can’t Stop Now!!! Phase IV is in the plans which will extend to South Beach, but we will still need donations to continue. The funds will be exhausted after Phase III. Grants will be applied for, but most grant applications require that there be funds already collected to help pay for cost overruns. Plans are underway on how to rebuild the account at Mid-Nebraska. If you would like to donate, please send donations to Mid-Nebraska Community Foundation, PO Box 1321, North Platte, NE 69103. Thank you to all who have given.
The time has finally come for the construction of Phase II of the Lake Maloney Trail. This trail will be approximately 1.3 miles long and will start across from 619 S Maloney Drive and continue towards the Northwest along the golf course crossing over to the meadow side of North Maloney Drive and continuing down the dirt road to the main road. Currently there is a flagged rope along that place so that no one travels down that road creating more ruts than what is currently there. Paulsen Construction was awarded the bid at the Lincoln County Commissioner meeting in December. They have done some preliminary work, but will have to wait until the weather warms up to complete it. They plan to finish early spring, 2017.
Phase III is already in the planning stages which will go where Phase II ends to Kansas Point (approximately .6 of a mile). Jim has been in contact with our consultant, Julie Ogden, from JE Consultants and she is optimistic about our chances on obtaining another Nebraska Game & Parks grant. The LMPOA has been awarded a $10,000 grant from the Lincoln County Visitors Center and the timeline is expiring, however, an extension was just granted and Judy Pederson has been working on other grant opportunities in which she will hear whether approval will be granted or not.
Meet & Greet, Shelter Dedication, and Ground Breaking
October 9, 2016
The 5th Annual Meet & Greet was on October 9, 2016, at the Lake Maloney Golf Club. Prior to the Meet & Greet, the group gathered in front of the new Lake Maloney Shelter for a dedication. The shelter was built by funds provided by NRD (National Resources District). Kent Miller from the NRD has been very gracious in both Phase I and Phase II by their donations. Several people were involved in the shelter construction from the initial stage to the finish including, Jim and Mary States, Rob and Janet Evans, Sam and Lynda Perry, Dan and Sarah Spencer, John and Betsy Burns, and Barrett and Brenda Klemm, and Mac Construction.
A bench inside the shelter was constructed out of Italian marble stone purchased by the Spencer’s, the Burn’s, and the Klemm’s. with sentiments edged in for the memory of Sarah, Betsy, and Barrett’s parents, Bob & Rose Klemm. Bob and Rose have lived in the community since they 1970’s but now have both deceased, but the love of the Lake has been passed down to their children and now grandchildren as they all have homes at Lake Maloney.
Elsa Spencer, (Dan and Sarah’s daughter) spoke at the dedication of her grandparents, bench at the new Lake Maloney Trail Shelter in front of a group to the approximately 75 people who came out on a very beautiful fall day. The bench was an awesome tribute to some very awesome people
The Lake Maloney Trail Shelter also has signage of various names of everyone who has given to the Lake Maloney Trail so far that was edged with driftwood that was found on the Lake Maloney bed. If you haven’t had a chance to visit, please do so soon.
In addition to the shelter dedication, the Phase II groundbreaking also was broken by members of the LMPOA board and Trail Committee.

By Board President, Jim States
Your property owners’ board has been very busy. Due to more Lake Maloney property owners joining by paying dues, we have accomplished much. The generosity of many private and business donors has made it possible to proceed with the trail advancing. Other projects include trash pick up, emergency sirens maintenance, and dead tree clean up at the south entrance. The newest project we are excited about is our fishing dock. Dr. John Haugen and his wife Tina donated their dock to this project. Drs. Ned Mack and Sam Perry and myself placed the dock in the golf pond while the water was lowered. The placement of the culvert extension and cleaning the opening on the lake side will allow fish to enter the pond. Hopefully we can stock the pond with the NE Fish and Game consent to provide youth with a place to fish.
The main emphasis has been on completing the one point two mile extension of the hiking and biking trail. This project started in the spring of 2015 with the grant application. We banked $83,000 in donations to show intent for the $250,000 grant with the NE Game and Parks. After approval we have worked with TC Engineering. The property owners were responsible for a culvert extension, back filling, and seeding the channel leading into the golf pond. With the dumping of 200 truckloads of fill and covering with tons of broken concrete the project needed grass seed to be completed. Many thanks to Roger Anderson of Charlie’s Plumbing and Scott Steele of Steele Construction for their expertise and equipment use. The dedicated labor from Sam Perry, Ned Mack, Steve Dent, Dean and Linda Oman, and myself to move fill and position broken concrete, helped complete this task. The next steps are environmental approval, final engineer plans, bids from contractors, and paving. Completion anticipated by this fall. The last undertaking by your board is the construction of a resting shelter to display our donors.

From Left to Right, Pictured Ned Mack, Sam Perry, Jim States, Steve Dent, and Dean Oman helping with the construction of the culvert. Not pictured, but also helped is Linda Oman.
Without these generous people this trail project would never had happened. The shelter will be placed north of the golf pond in the parking area at the trail head.Our final goal is extending the trail from South Beach to the RV Park on Kansas Point at the inlet. It will require more donations to apply for more grants to accomplish this ambitious goal. We will then have the most scenic trail in western NE that provides safe exercise for generations.
Please continue to support your board by joining the property owners association by paying your $50 dues. It’s the best bargain around that gets things done.
To make your 2016 tax-deductible donation, please send to Mid-Nebraska Community Foundation, PO Box 1321, North Platte NE 69103. Please mark “Lake Maloney Trail Fund” on your check.
Please keep in mind, your donation amount is confidential. The Board is aware of who donates so they can create a sponsor sign recognizing all donors, but the Board is unaware of the amount given.